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Little Alchemy 2 God

How to Create a Deity in Little Alchemy 2

Unlock the Secrets of Element Combination

Discover the Path to Divinity

Embark on an alchemical journey to craft the ultimate element in Little Alchemy 2: the Deity. This celestial entity commands the heavens and holds immense power. With the guidance of our expert cheats, you'll unveil the secrets to transforming ordinary elements into the divine. Prepare to witness the transmutation of starting items into the very essence of godhood.

Step 1: Master the Basics

Before embarking on your deity-crafting quest, ensure you have a solid understanding of Little Alchemy 2's elemental combination mechanics. Experiment with different element fusions to grasp the rules of the game. Remember, patience and experimentation are key to unlocking the secrets of alchemy.

Step 2: Gather the Necessary Elements

To create a Deity, you will need to combine specific elements in a precise sequence. The base elements required include: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. As you progress, you will discover additional elements that play a crucial role in this divine creation.

Step 3: Follow the Cheat Recipe

Unlock the path to divinity with our comprehensive cheat recipe:

  1. Combine Air and Fire to create Energy.
  2. Fuse Energy and Water to obtain Life.
  3. Mix Life and Earth to form Nature.
  4. Combine Nature and Spirit (obtained by mixing Air and Water) to create God.
  5. Finally, fuse God and Light (created from Fire and Air) to achieve the Deity.

Step 4: Witness the Divine Transformation

With each successful element combination, watch in awe as the elements morph and evolve. As you approach the final synthesis, prepare to witness the magnificent creation of the Deity. This celestial being will undoubtedly become a cornerstone of your Little Alchemy 2 journey.


Through the mastery of elemental combinations and the guidance of our comprehensive cheats, you have now gained the knowledge to create a Deity in Little Alchemy 2. This divine entity embodies the pinnacle of alchemy, representing the boundless possibilities of this enchanting game. Continue your alchemical journey, explore the depths of creativity, and witness the wonders that await you in the world of Little Alchemy 2.

Last updated: January 3, 2023, 3:39 PM PST
